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The physical structure of the Graduate Program in Health Sciences includes six (06) fully equipped laboratories, distributed among the buildings of the Bragança Paulista Campus, and a Central Animal Testing Facility that houses several different species. Below we present more information about our laboratories:

Installed in a physical area of 90 m2 on the ground floor of the building I, the LIM is used for the preparation and analysis of histological sections by different techniques. To this end, it has an optical microscope coupled to a morphometric analysis system, an immunofluorescence microscope, an automated tissue processor, paraffin block inclusion systems, tissue homogenizer, reverse osmosis system, digitized infusion pump, extraction hoods, a freezing microtome for immunofluorescence in fresh tissue and a conventional microtome.

Located on the first floor of Building V, this lab is designed to evaluate the morphological as well as functional, molecular and biochemical aspects of vascular, urinary and erectile function, in experimental models associated with cardiovascular disease and heart failure, with an emphasis on the autonomic signaling pathways and the correlation thereof with oxidative stress, as well as the search for pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments. This environment has a bath system for isolated organ, strip and ring myographs, system for measuring blood pressure and intracavernous pressure, cystometric system, electrical stimulator, ultrapure water system, centrifuge and microcentrifuge, magnifying glass, electrophoresis sources, image capturing system, and treadmill for rodents.

This lab, located on the first floor of Building V, has a large set of equipment, which includes: microtome; cryostat; microscope with integrated image capture; inverted microscope; CO2 incubator; vertical laminar flow chamber; microcentrifuges; electrophoresis sources; run and transfer system; dry bain-marie; Karl Fisher; spectrophotometer; mass spectrophotometer gas chromatography, ELISA (Epoc), and refrigerated centrifuge. The following techniques are developed here: production and purification of enzymes; lipidomic and metabolomic analysis by gas chromatography with flame ionization detector and by mass detector; microtomy; cryomicrotomy; histochemistry; immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence; western blotting; cell culture; creation of animal models of tumors by xenograft; analysis of oxidative stress by biochemical methods; genotoxicological analysis by comet assay.

In this lab, located on the first floor of Building VII, studies of bacterial virulence factors are conducted, including assessment mechanisms of gene regulation, protein production in recombinant systems, and immunoassays. The facilities includes a cell culture room with CO2 flow and oven, a room for manipulation of pathogenic bacteria with laminar flow hoods, an electrophoresis room and DNA analysis with an imaging system, and a central laboratory with counters. The set of equipment also includes thermal cyclers, cytospin, water purification system, ultra-freezers, microplate reader, among others.

In this lab, located on the ground floor of building VII (next door to UNIFAG), aspects related to the pharmacology of inflammatory processes are studied, with an emphasis on inflammation related to obesity. Additionally, molecular mechanisms associated with gastric carcinogenesis are also evaluated. The environment includes RNA extraction room, experimental diets preparation area, a dark room, and a cell culture room. Among the lab equipment are thermocyclers, laser detectors for real-time PCR, a DNA UV-crosslinker, an ultrapure water system, microplate readers, a fluorescence reader, Nanodrop, cytospin, refrigerated centrifuges, high-performance centrifugal with elutriation system, hybridization oven, laminar flow hoods, CO2 greenhouse, microscopes, a multiplex platform, and a flow cytometer.

The pharmacology laboratory is designed to carry out pharmacokinetic studies on drugs with therapeutic use, including bioequivalence testing of medications. These environments are equipped with high-efficiency liquid chromatographs, refrigerated centrifuges, mass spectrometers coupled to high-efficiency liquid chromatographs, and equipment for ultra-pure water. The area also includes a 44-bed infirmary for bioequivalence testing.