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Meet the faculty of the Postgraduate Program in Education :

Dr. Nacarato earned a Teaching Degree in Mathematics from PUC/Campinas, a Master’s degree in Education and a PhD in Education from FE/Unicamp. She worked as primary school math teacher. Currently works as professor in the Graduate Program in Education at Universidade São Francisco. Works in the following line of research: Education, Society and Formative Processes.

Information about Research Projects:

Professor Nacarato’s research focuses on two axes: 1) practices of schooling, focusing on the processes of teaching and learning of mathematics from a historical-cultural perspective; and 2) teacher training, focusing on educational processes, biographical studies, life narratives, teacher training cases, and teaching condition. CNPq Productivity Researcher, level 2.

Prof. Allan da Silva Coelho, PhD
  Currículo Lattes

Professor Allan da Silva Coelho has a degree in Philosophy, UniFAI - Assunção (2002), master (2006) and a PhD in Sciences of Religion, Universidade Metodista de São Paulo - UMESP (2014). He did a PhD internship at CEIFR-Paris and received an honorable mention from the CAPES Prize for Thesis in the Philosophy / Religion area. Between 2018-2019 he did a postdoctoral internship at the Center d’études en sciences sociales du religieux (Césor), École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS), France, under the supervision of Michael Löwy. Researches the criticism of Modernity from a descolonial perspective, with the critique of “capitalism as a religion” in Latin America as its axis. He is a member of the GT Capitalism as a Religion and the GT CLACSO Ethics, politics and theology, in the project “The future of work and the care of the Common House”. Develops research on liberation Christianity and education; popular education, citizenship and human rights; alternative pedagogies to capitalism; and the relationship between fetishism and formative processes.

Information on Research Projects

Professor Allan da Silva Coelho develops research projects based on a comprehensive dialectic and in dialogue with the decolonial perspective, on the theme of the relations of the conceptions of education and the formation of horizons of understanding of life, focusing on the affinities of the categorical landmarks between Marxism and Christianity. He references his research in the Latin American tradition, dialoguing with Paulo Freire and the Escola do DEI. He currently develops two research projects, one that articulates utopias, categorical landmarks and conceptions of education, with an emphasis on teaching Philosophy, and another, that investigating the relations of fetishism in the consumer society, paying attention to the divergent proposals of education, especially those driven by liberation Christianity social movements.

Brief curriculum vitae

Dr. Freitas earned a Master’s degree and PhD in Education from Universidade Estadual de Campinas (1996; 2001). She earned a Bachelor’s degree in Speech Therapy from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas (1989), and has experience in Speech Therapy and Education, with an emphasis on School Education. Her studies and research are based on the historical-cultural theory and enunciative-discursive perspective, working in the following topics: conditions and possibilities for the education of students with or without disabilities, learning disabilities, educational relationships, oral and written language, and continuous teacher training.

Information about Research Projects:

Professor Freitas develops research projects based on the historical-cultural theory, with a focus on the issue of conditions and possibilities of school-based learning by students with and without disabilities. The studies are developed in two areas of research: 1) Educational practices and processes of interaction; and 2) Training and work of teachers. In line with the assumed theoretical perspective, the investigation of interpersonal relations is focused on the processes of social mediation and language, focusing on the issue of dialogism and discourse.

Prof. Carlos Roberto da Silveira, PhD
  Currículo Lattes

Brief curriculum vitae

Dr. Silveira earned a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from FAI-MG, and non-degree-oriented (lato sensu) graduate studies in Clinical and Institutional Psychology at UNIVÁS-MG. He earned a Master’s degree in Philosophy (concentration in Ethics) from PUC-CAMP, and a PhD in Philosophy from PUC-SP/CAPES. Postdoc in education through the Graduate Program in Education, CAPES/USF – Itatiba-SP. Served as member of the Institutional Review Board at UNIVÁS-MG and MG-EEWB. Faculty member at USF in the Graduate Program in Education, in the research line of “Discursive Practices, Cultural and Educational Processes”.

Information about Research Projects:

Professor Silveira develops research on “Education Programs against Domestic Violence”, process of Formal and Non-Formal Education/Learning, and conformity with Public Policy in the spheres of Justice, Safety, Citizenship and Human Rights. Participates in the Research Group on Foucault Studies (GPEFE) of the Graduate Program in Education at USF. Develops research in Education, Philosophy, and Philosophy of Education in the areas of Ethics, Aesthetics, Culture and Discourse. Participates in the “Research Group on Education, Language and Cultural Practices” (PHALA), in the line of “Curriculum and Cultural Practices” at UNICAMP.

Profa. Fabiana Rodrigues Sousa de Sante, PhD
  Currículo Lattes

Graduated in Pedagogy (2003) from the Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar). Specialization (2009) in Gender and Diversity at School (MEC/UFSCar). Master (2007) and Doctor (2012) in Education from UFSCar. Between 2012 and 2014, she did a post-doctoral studies at the Center for Education and Human Sciences (CECH/UFSCar) wiht a FAPESP grant, under supervision of Maria Waldenez de Oliveira. Member of the Associação de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Educação (ANPEd), member of the Scientific Committe and of the GT6 Popular Education. She has teaching experience in Basic Education as a literacy teacher for Youth And Adults Education and in Portuguese Language Teaching, in the municipal network of São Carlos/SP and at Colégio CAASO linked to the Academic Center of Universidade de São Paulo (USP/São Carlos). She is a currently a professor a High Education, researcher of the Research Group Práticas Sociais e Processos Educativos (PSPE/UFSCar) and participant of the Research Group sobre Educação e Teorias Críticas Latino-Americanas (GPETECLA/USF).

Brief curriculum vitae

Dr. Silva earned a Bachelor’s degree and Master’s degree in Philosophy from Pontifícia

Universidade Católica de São Paulo – PUC/SP; a PhD in Education from the College of Education, Universidade de São Paulo - FE/USP; a Postdoctorate in Anthropology from the College of Social Sciences at PUC/SP, and postdoctorate in Aesthetics and Epistemology, School of Philosophy, Université de Bourgogne - Dijon/France. Professor in the Undergraduate and Graduate Programs in Education at Universidade São Francisco - line of research: Education, Society and Formative Processes.

Information about Research Projects:

Professor Silva has developed studies and research about the relationship between ethical management of nursing homes, humanity and education; formal and non-formal education, and formative processes; poetics in childhood; and the authors of the Critical Theory of Society.

Profa. Márcia Aparecida Amador Mascia, PhD
  Currículo Lattes

Prof. Márcia Aparecida Amador Mascia, PhD

Brief curriculum vitae

Dr. Mascia earned a bachelor’s degree in Literature, a Master’s degree in Linguistics and Portuguese Language from UNESP, a PhD in Applied Linguistics from UNICAMP, and has sandwich PhD and postdoc in Education from the University de Wisconsin-Madison (USA), in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, under the supervision of Professor Thomas Popkewitz. Works as a professor in the Graduate Program in Education at Universidade São Francisco, Itatiba, in the area of Discursive Practices, Cultural and Educational Processes. Served as Program Coordinator in 2012 and 2013. Leader of the “Foucault Studies and Education” Research Group and member of the groups “PHALA - Education, Language and Cultural Practices” and “From the Ivory Tower to the Tower of Babel”.

Information about Research Projects:

Professor Mascia develops projects on educational discursive practices from the perspective of Discourse Analysis, Foucault Archeo-Genealogy, Deconstruction, Psychoanalysis and Post-Critical Studies; addressing the following themes: language teaching–learning (native and foreign, spoken languages and visual-spatial languages), production of identities and subjectivities in the contemporary world, external assessment and digital literacy.

Brief curriculum vitae

Dr. Moretto earned a Bachelor’s degree in Literature, a Master’s degree and PhD in Education from Universidade São Francisco. She works as a professor in the Graduate Program in Education at Universidade São Francisco, Itatiba, in the line of Discursive Practices, Cultural and Educational Processes. Author of the book “Produção de textos em sala de aula: momento de interação e diálogo” [“Production of texts in the classroom: Time of interaction and dialogue”], published by Paco Editorial, as well as chapters and articles related to language. Researcher of ALTER-AGE-CNPQ groups and the RELATIONSHIPS OF EDUCATION AND TEACHING-CNPQ Research Group.

Information about Research Projects:

Professor Moretto’s research is focused on the relationship between language and teaching the mother tongue, literacy practices, plus development and analysis of teaching materials. She has experience in Applied eLinguistics Education, working mainly with the following topics: reading, composition, teaching textual genres, and linguistic analysis.

Profa. Sônia Aparecida Siquelli, PhD
  Currículo Lattes

Brief curriculum vitae

PhD in Education from the Federal University of São Carlos-UFSCAR (2011), with Post-Doctorate in Education from the Department of Philosophy and History of Education-DEPHE from the Faculty of Education of the State University of Campinas-UNICAMP (2018). Master in Education from the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas-PUCCAMP (2000). Pedagogue and Education Specialist by the Higher Education Institute of Mococa-IESMoc (1995 and 1997). He has teaching experience in Basic Education, Higher Education and post-graduation lato sensu and stricto sensu. Experience in the coordination of the Institutional Program for Teaching Initiation Scholarships (PIBID) and coordination in a study and research center in Education. Currently, she is a permanent professor in the Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Education and a professor in the undergraduate course, in the Pedagogy course, at Universidade São Francisco-USF. Publisher of the Periodic Horizontes / USF. Substitute member of the Research Ethics Committee of the National Association of Graduate Studies in Education - ANPED. The focus of his research is on the Fundamentals of Education, under the focus of Educational Policy and School Management; Ethics in Education and Research; the History of Brazilian Education and the History of School Institutions. Leader of the Group of Studies and Research in Ethics, Politics and History of Brazilian Education (GEPHEB) and collaborator of the Center for Studies and Research in Fundamentals of Education by the Federal University of Uberlândia-UFU.